S.O.S. (save our stores!)

Friday, February 17, 2006

Back at last!!!!!

Hey folks, sorry for the delay but normal-ish service is resumed now.

To emphasise the problem the "smaller" shops face, today a flyer for a local "grocery" supermarket arrived, the first three pages cover 30 products that we would stock....a few of them are selling for less than we could BUY them.

The trend seems to be for the customer to be wary with their £'s...and this sort of encroachment from large "grocery" stores certainly doesn't help.

I have to put my hand up and say out of convenience as i live very close to one of the "Biggies", i do spend more than i should there...but i am working on it!

But for every couple of £ spent in the large stores , if we could spend just 1/2 as much in the smaller local stores the effect would be huge!


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